[Mimedefang] clamav not scanning attachments

Scott O solihovik at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 8 09:13:56 EST 2003

Hope someone here can help me.

Using ClamAV 0.65 with Sendmail 8.12.10 and MIMEDefang 2.38.

Calling clamav via mimedefang.  Using the eicar test virus, it is found fine
when it is in the body of an email, but not when it is inside an
attachment - even though desktop antivirus software (McAfee) sees it in the
attachment when scanned directly.

The only information I found was from the ClamAV mailing list archive where
someone said to make sure unzip, untar, unrar, unzoo, etc. were installed
along with the perl modules MIME::Base64, MIME::Parser, Mail::Internet, etc.

I have those all installed, but not sure what the etc. entails.  Does anyone
know of a solution to this or can list the exact packages/apps that need to
be installed for ClamAV to scan email attachments.  The ClamAV documentation
and man pages do not seem to touch much on these.



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