[Mimedefang] Bayesian Filtering

Eric N. Jones enjones at twe.com
Tue Dec 2 00:01:33 EST 2003

So I just got this setup working over the weekend after dealing with
most of the other problems I've seen on this list.  The unsafe sockets
really only disappeared when i changed the mimedefang user to the
sendmail user and changed ownerships to that as well.  But anyway, I'm
wondering how to set up the Bayesian filtering from SpamAssassin.  If i
use sa-learn as my private user it creates files in %HOME/.spamassasin. 
But are those read when the mimedefang script calls spam-assassin?  I'm
guessing they won't be since at that point it doesn't know what user
it's receiving email for.  If so, is there a world readable database for
spam assassin that i can use to train it with?
Eric N. Jones <enjones at twe.com>
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