[Mimedefang] mysql problem

Torsten Vielhak Torsten.Vielhak at nordac.com
Tue Aug 5 10:11:02 EDT 2003


> I have a sub routine called should_check_for_spam ($). This either
returns a 1 or a 0. 1 means filter will check for spam 0 means
> its disabled.  In my test environment everything works fine. However when
I implement it in higher volume production box, it seems
> to retain the variables from the database in memory. I have tried to do a
$sth->finish; and $dbh->disconnect.   Below is a copy of
> the subroutine. Any help or ideas is very appreciated.

I have just the same problem. The problem is IMHO that the
Mail::SpamAssassin object
is only initiated once and all configs (e.g. whitelist_from) are merged to
the object.
Unfortunaly there is no method "init_config" or "reread_config".

For me a VERY VERY dirty hack works (beware of using sql preferences which
are not
resetted via $object->{conf}->...):

sub spam_assassin_status (;$) {

    my $object = spam_assassin_init(@_);
    return undef unless $object;

    # ===== changed by tv, 24.07.03
    # set config to default (clear old per-user configs and set default
    # if DB failes (this config also is used if more than one recipient)
    $object->{conf}->{whitelist_from} = { };
    $object->{conf}->{required_hits} = 5.0;

    # ===== only one recipient => load preferences per sql
    if ($#Recipients == 0) {
            md_syslog('info', "Load scores for $Recipients[0]");
    # ===== changed by tv, end



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