[Mimedefang] outside of filter context?

Michael Faurot mfaurot at atww.org
Wed Aug 13 08:52:01 EDT 2003

I've just upgraded from v2.35 to v2.36 and now I'm seeing a bunch of
these messages in syslog:

	Aug 13 08:33:02 hostname mimedefang.pl[15708]: action_accept called
	outside of filter context

Things still appear to be functioning as they should, but now with more
junk in syslog.  A check against mimedefang-filter(5) doesn't really
shed any light on what this might be about.  At least it didn't when I
searched for the words "context" or specifically looked at the section
concerning the function action_accept().  The only thing I've found to
document this is in the Changelog file:

        * mimedefang.pl.in: Check more stringently on the context of
        functions called by the filter.

Doesn't really help me understand what's going on though.

Several questions and comments:

o)	What exactly is this complaining about?

o)	I suspect this is because I'm using action_accept() from
	within filter_begin().  This was fine in v2.35.  Why doesn't
	v2.36 like it?

o)	What should I do to either shut this up, or correct my
	code in mimedefang-filter?


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