[Mimedefang] Reporing Tools?

Hamilton, Kent KHamilton at Hunter.COM
Fri Sep 27 14:43:01 EDT 2002

Anyone have any reporting tools for MIMEDefang + SpamAssassin?
My VP would like to see something now and then that is a 
little better than the ones I've written or heavily modiied 
to give some info. 

Below is what we currently get daily from my modified copy of 
the UMich. smtpstats script.

Kent Hamilton KHamilton at Hunter.COM
Manager - Systems & Networking
Hunter Engineering Company


Total messages   handled: 12211
Total recipients handled: 11643
Total bytes      handled: 173.28M

Spam control and invalid message handling
                 Bad Domains:    15
    Unresolvable Domain Name:    25	(Non-fatal error)
              No Domain Name:     4
     Rejected by TCPWrappers:     3
     Blocked Local Usernames:   144
 Locally Blacklisted Domains:   122
  Globally Blacklisted Sites:   149	(See www dot mail-abuse dot org)
  Locally Blacklisted Sender:     0
         Spam Message Header:    74
    Marked as SPAM by filter:   923
   Bounced by filter as SPAM:    56
   MIMEDefang bad MIME Email:   731
       Invalid Email Address:     0
       General Mail Failures:     0
        Denied Message Relay:     3
         Too Many Recipients:     0
  DSN Reported Undeliverable:     0
         TLS Verify Failures:   535
             Filter Failures:    85
            Msg Loops Broken:     0
            Null Connections:   269	(Possible Hack)
      Truncated Header Field:     2	(Probable Attack)
   Attempt to mail to a file:     0	(Possible Hack)
Daemon Pauses/Restarts/Defer:     8/8/226
      Server/System Restarts:     2

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