[Mimedefang] Borken administrator notification

Enrico Scholz enrico.scholz at sigma-chemnitz.de
Mon Sep 23 04:59:00 EDT 2002


we have configured our MTA to reject incorrectly encoded mail
(8-bit body without MIME-header). Unfortunetely, MIMEDefang's
administrator notification contains simple headers only and
gets bounced when the filtered mail contains umlauts or chinese
glyphs. Therefore, I would like to have added

|  sub signal_complete () {
|      # If there are quarantined parts, e-mail a report
|      if ($QuarantineCount > 0 || $EntireMessageQuarantined) {
|          my($body);
|          $body = "From: $DaemonName <$DaemonAddress>\n";
|          $body .= "To: \"$AdminName\" <$AdminAddress>\n";
| +        $body .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
|          $body .= "Subject: $QuarantineSubject\n\n";


|      # Send notification to administrator, if required
|      if (-r "ADMIN_NOTIFICATION") {
|          my($body);
|          $body = "From: $DaemonName <$DaemonAddress>\n";
|          $body .= "To: \"$AdminName\" <$AdminAddress>\n";
| +        $body .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
|          $body .= "Subject: $NotifyAdministratorSubject\n\n";

to mimedefang.pl. I am not a MIME-expert so additional 'Content-Type'
headers might be needed also.


q: If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would
   you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
a: I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word.
  -- Harald Koenig <koenig at tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de> asking D.E.Knuth

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