AW: [Mimedefang] Virus Handling

Martin Bene martin.bene at
Thu Nov 28 02:46:01 EST 2002

Hi Rick,

> Good idea. I might do that since my logs show that the Klez virus
> outnumbers the rest by at least 100 to 1. Here is a sample 
> line of perl
> which could be placed immediately before the action_bounce 
> statement in
> routine filter:
>   return action_discard() if $VirusName =~ /klez/i;
> or
>   return action_discard() if $VirusName =~ /klez|bugbear/i;

Also worth looking at: if your virus scanner puts viruses into different
"classes", you might use the class name for your action; For example, in
Kaspersky AV all those self - propagating viruses are named "I-Worm.*"
(I-Worm.Klez.h, I-Worm.Tanatos, I-Worm.Lentin.g..).

    $FoundVirus = ($category eq "virus" || $category eq "suspicious");
    if ($VirusName =~ /^I-Worm\./) {
        md_log('bounce virus',$VirusName, $RelayAddr);
        return action_bounce("Nachricht ist mit einem selbst-versendenden
Virus befallen. Empfang administrativ gesperrt.");

Bye, Martin

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