[Mimedefang] Blacklist vs Access_db

Nels Lindquist nlindq at maei.ca
Wed Dec 11 19:05:01 EST 2002

On 11 Dec 2002 at 9:51, David F. Skoll wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, Mycrom wrote:
> > Spamassassin can only view and evaluate your headder "From" address as it
> > just scannes the message body (The one you see in your e-mail client when
> > you open the message). Only the MTA's in message transmission keep track of
> > the real envelope "From" address.
> This is correct.  However, some MTA's usually add a "Return-Path:" header
> with the envelope address, which (theoretically) SpamAssassin could use.
> I believe most Sendmail configurations add Return-Path:
> Under MIMEDefang, the Return-Path: header does *not* exist yet (it only
> gets added by Sendmail upon delivery), so SpamAssassin has no information
> about the envelope sender.

I wrote a patch for mimedefang.pl.in to address this issue.  There 
are a couple of SA tests which either trigger falsely or fail to 
trigger when the last Received header and Return-Path aren't present.

The attached diff was made against 2.17 BETA 1, but the patch still 
worked for 2.28 BETA 1 (with fuzz).

Nels Lindquist <*>
Information Systems Manager
Morningstar Air Express Inc.

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   ---- File information -----------
     File:  sa_hdr_patch
     Date:  11 Dec 2002, 16:55
     Size:  1051 bytes.
     Type:  Text
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