[Mimedefang] getting it right about how the filter works...

Tim Rayner Tim.Rayner at csu.edu.au
Wed Nov 28 21:49:12 EST 2001

Hi David,

I'd very much like chronologically named quarantine directories - something
like qdir-20011129-235900-1

This way, I can list them in order, and figure out the date and time just
from the filename.  This would be particularly beneficial for removing old
quarantine directories.  I realise that the reporting script could find the
dates using other means, but it would be much much easier if its in the

Yes please !!!



"David F. Skoll" wrote:

>    I'd like to be able to easily sort them chronologically by name.

> >    Is there any reason why a sequential timestamp mechanism not be
> >    used to generate these names, instead of random numbers?
> That could be done, I suppose.  I could base it on the time.  Please
> vote for this change off-list, and if the consensus is that it's a good
> idea, I'll make the change.

Tim Rayner - Networks Officer         | Email : trayner at csu.edu.au
             Murray Campus            |  Mail : P.O. Box 789, Albury,NSW, 2640
             Charles Sturt University | Phone : (02) 6051 9886
                                      |   Fax : (02) 6051 9919

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