[Mimedefang] Support for Openantivirus

Kurt Huwig kurt at iku-netz.de
Wed Dec 19 17:29:55 EST 2001


I added support for OpenAntivirus' (http://www.openantivirus.org) 
ScannerDaemon to AMaViS. A user of OAV requested a plugin for 
MIMEDefang. IMHO, this should be not that problem, as both AMaViS and 
MIMEDefang are written in Perl.

This is the code I use to let OAV scan the mails:

use IO::Socket;
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new('');
if (defined $sock) {
	$sock->print("SCAN $TEMPDIR/parts\n");
	chomp($output = $sock->getline);
	if ($output =~ /^FOUND: /) {
		@virusname = ($output =~ /FOUND: (.+)/g);
} else {
	do_log(0,"Virus scanner failure: can't connect to daemon");

The ScannerDaemon listens on port 8127; AMaViS has all parts of the mail 
in $TEMPDIR/parts. As I have not much knowledge of Perl or even 
MIMEDefang, could someone with a better knowledge include this in 

To get the ScannerDaemon running, please read the ScannerDaemon-HOWTO at:



Kurt Huwig               iKu Netzwerklösungen   http://www.iku-netz.de/
Gesellschafter           Am Römerkastell 4      Telefon 0681/96751-0
kurt at iku-netz.de         66121 Saarbrücken      Telefax 0681/96751-66

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